Dove Hits 2004 수록곡 최종 결정!!! > 뉴스및공지

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Dove Hits 2004 수록곡 최종 결정!!! > 뉴스및공지

Dove Hits 2004 수록곡 최종 결정!!!

페이지 정보

작성자 인피니스 댓글 0건 조회 35,357회 작성일 04-02-26 10:08


4월 28일 (미국시간) 내쉬빌의 Gaylord Entertainment Center에서 개최될 제 35회 도브 어워즈...
얼마 전 최종 후보 명단이 발표된데 이어.. Dove Hits 2004 수록될 곡들이 최종 결정 되었다.


1. Mercy Me - The Change Inside Of Me [INO] Nominated For Artist,
("Word Of God Speak "-Song of the Year)

2. Mark Schultz - Letters From War [Word] Nominated For Male Voc., Pop Contemp Album

3. Jeremy Camp - I Still Believe [Tooth & Nail] Nominated For New Artist

4. Newsboys - He Reigns [Sparrow] Nominated For Group

5. Kristy Starling - Something More (I Need To Praise You) [Word] Nominated For New Artist

6. Third Day - You Are So Good To Me [Essential] Nominated For Group

7. Stacie Orrico - Strong Enough [Forefront] Nominated For Artist

8. Across The Sky - Found By You [Word] Nominated For New Artist

9. Joy Williams - Every Moment [Reunion] Nominated For Female Vocalist

10. Michael W. Smith - Signs [Reunion] Nominated For Artist

11. Smokie Norful - I Need You Now [EMI Gospel] Nominated For Contemp Gospel Album

12. Randy Travis - Three Wooden Crosses [Word] Nominated For Song,Artist, Country Recorded song, etc.

13. David Phelps - Arms Open Wide [Word] Nominated For

14. Steven Curtis Chapman - All About Love [Sparrow] Nominated For Male Voc.

15. Robert Randolph - I Need More Love [WB] Nominated For Contemp. Gos. Song

16. Casting Crowns - American Dreams [Provident] Nominated For New Artist

17. Jaci Velasquez - Jesus Is [Word] Nominated For Insp. Recorded Song

18. Jars Of Clay - The Valley Song (Sing Of Your Mercy) [Essential] Nominated For Group, Rock Contemp Album
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등록된 댓글이 없습니다.


  • Matt Redman
  • Ron Kenoly
  • Kari Jobe
  • Ken Reynolds
  • Martin Smith
  • Darlene Zshech
  • Motown Gospel
  • Avalon



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